Pasta, Mushroom and Chicken Gratin

  • Easy
  • 15 minutes
  • 30 minutes
  • Average
Enjoy this culinary harmony: tender pieces of chicken, soft mushrooms, creamy pasta, all au gratin with delicious melting cheese. A real treat!




  • 2 chicken cutlets
  • 250g mushrooms
  • 250g pasta
  • Béchamel
  • Salt/pepper
  • Grated Gruyere


Step 1

Preheat the oven to 180°c

Step 2

Cook the pasta as indicated on the packet.

Step 3

Cut the chicken escalopes, wash and cut the mushrooms.

Step 4

In a frying pan, brown the chicken, add the mushrooms.

Step 5

Meanwhile prepare the béchamel.

Step 6

Mix the pasta, chicken/mushrooms with the béchamel. Mix.

Step 7

Add grated Gruyère cheese for the gratin effect.

Step 8

Put everything in an ovenproof dish and cook for 30 min

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