Christmas pudding

  • Easy
  • 5min + 3h
  • 30 min
  • Cheap
A sumptuous Christmas pudding, where stale bread unites with milk, eggs, raisins and vanilla, baked to perfect delectation.




  • 300g of stale bread
  • 1L of milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 200g of raisins
  • 100g of sugar
  • 1L teaspoon of vanilla flavoring



    Step 1

    Put the stale bread and raisins in a bowl. Add the milk. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours.

    Step 2

    In another bowl, whisk the eggs with the sugar and vanilla flavoring.

    Step 3

    Preheat the oven to 180°c.

    Step 4

    When the bread is well soaked, mix the two preparations and pour into a mold.

    Step 5

    Bake for 30 minutes.

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