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In France, we waste 10 million tonnes of food every year*. That's one meal a week per person. At Pyrex®, we are committed to reducing this food waste and to helping you do so. The fight against waste involves controlling your purchases, preserving leftovers and organizing your fridge!

And because a well-organized fridge leaves no room for waste, Pyrex® is launching a limited edition range of Stop wasting boxes! How can these new boxes and the proper organization of your fridge help you throw away less? Discover our new range and our tips!

1. Organize your fridge to easily identify your dishes

Who hasn't forgotten the leftovers from Sunday lunch at the back of the fridge? Organizing your fridge into different sections (cheese, vegetables, yoghurt, etc.) makes it easier to see what's left according to the type of food. The same applies to ready-made meals. Dedicate one shelf of your fridge to leftovers or to what should be eaten firstand arrange them in order of priorityAt the top of the pile, the dish that needs to be eaten as quickly as possible (chicken basquaise, carbo pasta, etc.); at the bottom, the dish that can wait a few more days (starches without sauce, etc.); and reorganize as the week progresses! We encourage you to use our transparent glass dishes, to identify the contents of your storage box at a glance.

To make it even easier for you to identify your dishes, the new Pyrex storage boxes® feature colored, decorated lids. Each lid color corresponds to a type of food: yellow for starchy foods, red for meat, green for vegetables and blue for fish.! The illustration helps you and your children (on Wednesday lunchtimes!) to remember the type of dish. Created by laser engraving, the decoration will stand the test of timeYou can even put your dish and lid in the dishwasher.

Another tip: smell and taste your dishes before throwing them away!

2. Optimize fridge storage with adapted dishes

Our boxes are very practical because they are rectangular and stackable. They are perfect for storing maximum leftovers in minimum space. Say goodbye to food waste "because there's no more room in the fridge". They are also gigognables so they're ideal for storing in your cupboards!

Also, use dishes of the right capacityto optimize storage space in your fridge. Our Stop au gaspi preservation range has several volumes to suit your dish or leftovers. You can choose between 1.2L (ideal for two people or a full meal) or 2.5L (suitable for family dishes such as lasagne or gratins)..

3. Optimize your kitchen with versatile dishes

    Make life easier with glass dishes that can be converted in a snap, from freezer to oven or fridge to microwave! Our Stop au gaspi canisters with handles are also suitable for oven cooking. These Pyrex borosilicate glass containers® are extremely resistant to thermal shock up to 220°C (sudden temperature change). The maximum temperature withstood by Pyrex glass® is 300°C.

    Prepare a small home-cooked dish and cook it directly in its future storage tin. After the meal, close your dish with its lid and store your leftovers directly without having to change the dish. This will encourage you to save rather than throw away, and avoid decanting dishes and having to do more dishes!

    Optimize the organization of your fridge and kitchen, and contribute to the fight against food waste!

    Pyrex®, savings for you and for the planet

    *Want to find out more about food waste and Pyrex's commitments®? Click here.

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