Galette des rois with pate à tartiner

  • Easy
  • 25 minutes
  • 40 minutes
  • Cheap
A puff pastry wrapped in a melting spread, concealing a delicious, golden, crispy bean, ready to charm your taste buds.




  • 2 puff pastries
  • 250g spread
  • 2 eggs (including 1 for glazing)
  • 80g almond powder
  • 1 bean + crown


Step 1

Preheat the oven to 180°C

Step 2

Mix the almond powder, the slightly warm spread and 1 egg

Step 3

Roll out a sheet of puff pastry in the tart mold covered with baking paper. Prick it with a fork. Put egg yolk all around the pastry.

Step 4

Spread the mixture with the spread.

Step 5

Arrange the bean.

Step 6

Place the second sheet of pastry on top, seal the two sheets of pastry.

Step 7

Brush the cake with egg yolk, refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Step 8

When it comes out of the fridge, brush again with egg yolk then use the tip of a knife to draw on the cake. Make a few small holes (to prevent the pastry from cracking)

Step 9

Bake for about 30 minutes.

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